
       The purpose of this handbook is to make you aware of our classroom routines, procedures, rules, and policies.  You will find a lot of information on various areas of our classroom life.  It is provided as a quick resource for you so that you have all of your information in one place. This is not the official school handbook, but rather a handbook specifically for 3rd and 4th grade.
Classroom Routines
Enter classroom after 7:50 bell
Hang up coats
Empty backpacks
Use restroom
Turn in homework
Talk quietly
In seats at 8:05 bell
Quiet at 8:07 bell
(Students not in classroom by this bell will be considered tardy.)
Lunch Count
Morning Break and Lunch Break
Dismissal by rows to get coats, snack, toys
Leave room quietly single file
Wait for 1st and 2nd grades
Return to classroom quietly, hang up coats, sit down
Restroom pass begins.
Lunch Time
Dismissed by rows to get lunches at 11:20
Line up
Walk quietly to lunch room
Return to classroom for dismissal to break
End of day
Rows are dismissed to get things at 3:00, return to seat and straighten desks.
Mid-West bus riders dismissed at 3:05 bell.
Dismissed by rows to all purpose room at 3:10
Dismissal by teacher in charge
Classroom Schedule
Monday – Thursday bell schedule
7:50am – allowed to go to classroom
8:05 am – warning bell
8:07 am – tardy bell
10:00 am – first break bell
10:15 am – first break ending bell
11:15 am – lunch bell
12:15 pm – lunch break ending bell
3:05 pm – Mid-west/early dismissal bell
3:10 pm – leave classroom bell
Friday bell schedule *
7:50 am – allowed to go to classroom
8:05 am – warning bell
8:07 am – tardy bell
9:30 am – first break bell
9:45 am – first break ending bell
10:00 am – chapel bell
12:15 pm – lunch break ending bell
3:05 pm – Mid-west/early dismissal bell
3:10 pm – leave classroom bell

* Revival week, Friday bell schedule is followed everyday.

Academic Schedule (subject to change)
8:00 am – 8:30 am           Preliminaries
8:30 am – 9:00 am           Bible class
9:00 am – 9:30 am           3rd Grade Spelling, Writing, and Language
9:30 am – 10:00 am          4th Grade Spelling, Writing, and Language
10:15 am – 10:30 am         Restroom pass
10:30 am – 11:00 am         4th Grade Math
11:00 am – 11:20 am         3rd Grade Math
* No Bible class on Monday and Friday due to chapel. Friday’s math is after lunch.
·         Afternoon schedule varies depending on times for Art, Music, Cherub Choir, and Library.
Other Classes:
Students will attend “little” chapel (in the elementary auditorium) on Mondays and “big” chapel, (school-wide services, held in the tabernacle) on Friday.
Students will attend music class once weekly. This ½ hour class is taught separately for each grade by Mrs. Jessica Maloyed.
Students will attend art class once weekly. This ¾ hour class is taught separately for each grade by Mrs. Lori Sanford.
Students will be able to check out books from our school library once weekly. This ½ hour session is supervised for 3rd and 4th grade by Mrs. Bernice DeStefano.
Cherub Choir:
Cherub Choir is a combined choir of 1st-4th grade students. This ½ hour class is taught twice weekly by Mrs. Jessica Maloyed.
Physical Education:
Physical Education is held twice weekly at lunch recess. This ½ hour class is held for 3rd and 4th grade together, and is taught by ______________.

PVCA is provided with tutoring services via CSIU. Mrs. Melissa Fisher tutors children in reading and math.

Classroom Rules
Our classroom has three general rules. They are as follows:
1.  No Walking Without Permission
Students must get permission to be out of their seats for any reason.
2.  No Talking Without Permission
Students are not to talk unless invited by teacher or given permission of teacher.
3.  Keep Your Hands and Feet to Yourselves
Students are not to touch anyone else or anything that does not belong to them.
Elementary Rules
There are several rules that apply to all students in the elementary building. They follow:
1.     Respect – All teachers must be respected and obeyed. Any teacher has the right to respect from all students whether the student is in that teacher’s class or not.
2.    Quiet Zones – The hall and the outside porch are quiet zones. There is to be no talking by students in these areas during school hours.

Discipline procedures
       These are the steps that will be taken in the event that discipline becomes necessary. Depending on the seriousness of the infraction, the initial steps may be skipped. Anything beyond step 2 will result in a note being sent home so that you and the teacher have documentation.
1.     Warning – student will be warned about behavior.
2.    Serving time – student will serve time at break.

3.    Time and Sentences– Student will serve time at break and write 10 sentences.

4.    Office – Student will be sent to office to meet with Assistant Principal

5.    Principal – Student will meet with Principal (after 2 visits with Assistant Principal)

6.    Corporal Punishment – Student will be given spanking. You will be notified according to school procedures.

Break procedures
1.     Students will play outside at break as weather permits. (If you wish for your child to remain inside because of a cold, please send a note.)
2.    Students will play with their own classmates.
3.    Students must ask permission from the teacher-in-charge to go into the building for any reason.
4.    Students will follow the designated playground equipment schedule.
5.    When bell rings, students will line up quickly and quietly to return to classroom.
Lunch procedures
1.     Students may buy lunch upstairs, downstairs, or pack lunches.
2.    Students who forget lunches or money will eat upstairs and bring money to school the next day to pay for their meal.
3.    Students will sit at assigned tables.
4.    Students are not to share meals with other students.
Grade policies
1.     The grading scale that we use can be found in the student handbook.
2.    Grades will be weighted. Tests count for a higher percentage of the grade than homework.

Homework policies                           
1.     Any work that students do not finish in school will be sent home as homework. Students must complete it and return it the next day.
2.    Twice weekly reading assignments will be sent home. These should be read to an adult, who will sign that they have been completed. Tuesday assignments will be due on Thursday, and Friday assignments will be due on Monday.
3.    Study sheets will come home before History and Science tests. These should be filled in with the test date. Please help your child prepare for these tests.
4.    Scripture, Catechism, and Song memory work for Bible class will be sent home at the beginning of each six weeks. Please study these with your child so that he/she will be ready for the tests on this material.
5.    Spelling lists will be sent home at the end of each week. Unless you are notified otherwise, spelling tests will occur every Friday. Please be sure that your child gets adequate study time for this test.
6.    If you are in revival, and your child cannot complete his/her homework, please notify the teacher in writing.

Class parties
1.     There will be a sign-up sheet for class parties at the first parent teacher conference.
2.    You will be able to choose which parties you would like to help with, and what you would like to bring.

Supplies list
Teacher and School Contact Information

Teacher Information
Mrs. Bethany Morford

(570) 541-2805

School Information
Penn View Christian Academy
PO Box 970
Penns Creek, PA 17862

Other Notes