Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thanks PTF

The kiddos are super excited to be able to use the new playground equipment PTF purchased for them!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Evens & Odds

We've been discussing even and odd numbers over the last few days. This fun little rhyme has helped us remember what digits come at the end of even and odd numbers.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

What a blessing!

We are absolutely thrilled with our interactive white board and all of its uses . Here are some pictures of our fourth graders working diligently on math examples.
We also used it for a states and capitals review game during history today. Boys were the happy winners and got to listen to the girls read the science lesson as a reward.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

New product on TPT



I just created and published a new product on TPT. Check it out here!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Field Trip

field trip1

We were privileged to go to the state capital and visit the capitol building and the state history museum. It’s a great way to finish up our study of state history.

field trip 2

The students were VERY WELL BEHAVED, and that made this teacher’s heart happy. Because of another group cancelling their tour, we were able to have a guided tour this year, which is normally an impossibility for us. We learned lots of great new facts!2014-05-15 09.59.22

One thing that the students noticed and were impressed by was the number of references to God throughout the capitol. The ten commandments were a part of a painting series about law that was displayed in the State Supreme Court and there were other quotes that mentioned God throughout the building.

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Some people may not realize that the PA capitol has two domes. One is the dome in the main rotunda that is covered with beautiful artwork and guilded trim. The other is this beautiful stained glass dome in the East part of the building.

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The students were able to explore the welcome center in the capitol and experience electronic voting.

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And as always, they had a fabulous time on the steps and the balcony. It was a great trip and fun was had by all!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spring is Coming!

This isn't a long post with lots of content, but I'm so excited that spring is finally on its way! It's edging into our classroom with this cheerful bulletin board. What signs of spring have you seen?